Confess Your Fresh: Marv The Jeanous

What are you wearing? Detroit fitted cap x Vintage Sweater (from Lost & Found Royal Oak) x Goyard Tee x Levis x Y-3 Adidas x bracelets from all over.

What’s your current fashion obsession? My Denim\Chambray shirts … I have 3 in different colorways and they seem to be all I’ve worn lately.

What was the last thing you bought? a YSL tee

 What’s your favorite sneaker or shoes? It’s hard to narrow it down lol That’s like having more than one child and saying which is your favorite … I’ll have to say my Jeremy Scott Tribal Adidas, my Bass “alfalfa” spectators and my electric blue Y-3 adidas. Oh and my first  black Prada shoe I bought in 2000… the sole came apart I went and got them fixed lol they are still fresh!

When styling a client, where do you draw your inspiration from? I pull from everywhere usually music helps. I see and hear alot of different things so I just make a mental note and still give the client what we come up with. But the women I’ve encountered, club chicks, the ladies in my family are all sharp and the men are clean so that helps also.

What’s your 3 favorite hot spots to hit and find the best pieces? For me it’s a lot of online spots and they are cheaper is a favorite high end for cheap and it’s authentic. It’s some new pop up places called Value World, they have some fire vintage style pieces. And I like Walmart, my best cargo’s and button downs come from there ..dont sleep on the mart!!!

What’s the most difficult part about being a stylist? Pulling from those major stores, just having that inside track and I would have to say being in a city were everyone “thinks” they’re fly… so what happens is when you’re called in for your services it may be a battle because people tend to not wanna try anything new …but I usually get my way 🙂

Check out more from Marv over at his blog Jeanous!

  1. cutie!

  2. You Just Feature a Jeanous! A Marv my next big event… I’m gone need a Jeanous’s help!

  3. This made me smile! This dude is awesome (NO HYPE)

  4. Work it!

  5. Thanks Roco ….Thank Lando Mel and Von I appreciate it ..Thanks for the feature bro!

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