Glam-Aholic Beauty Buy: Neutrogena Bath & Body


Every year during the Winter, I have to fight the battle of dry skin. It’s extremely embarrassing and not to mention irritating. People have always suggested different products such as Aquaphor or Cetaphil and this may sound really weird, but I’m a super girly girl when it comes to lotions and moisturizers lol I’m really into the packaging/smell and those products, no matter how great they are…I just couldn’t get with them lol

I walked into my favorite store (Target, of course) on a mission. I was fed up with my dry hands & feet and was determined to walk out of there with something to end my troubles. I took my time strolling up & down that aisle reading, even pulling out my phone to Google reviews, until I found not one…but three great products.


 Neutrogena rainbath shower and bath gel: Smells delicious (if you’re a fan of grapefruit scent). Leaves my skin feeling really smooth during and after a shower.


Neutrogena body oil: A very light and soft oil, almost so sheer that it feels like I don’t have anything on. It smells A M A Z I N G. I apply it while I’m still damp from my shower to lock in the moisture. This is now my favorite moisturizing product that I own!


Neutrogena body lotion: This is the exact reflection of the body oil. Very light leaving my skin feeling really smooth and silky.

Come a little closer to your computer/phone…I want to whisper in your ear how AMAZING these products are! Ok, now I’m screaming, but OMG! I did not want to give a false review or lead you guys wrong, so I waited an entire week before I blogged about them just to be sure they were everything that I was hoping for. And they are.

I have not seen a splash of ash since the day I started using this collection. If you’re having the same dry skin issues that I had, I suggest you check these out. Very budget-friendly ranging from $7.99-$9.99  at your local drug store!

  1. I will be trying this soon. I’ve been battling the winter ash for a while now. Thanks for the review.

  2. Now I have to try these! Dammit Mia!!

  3. Can’t wait to give this a try. I have really dry feet & nothing is really working for me 🙁

  4. I currently use C.Booth products & they make me feel amazing. I am now addicted to body oil. Like why didn’t anyone share that tip with me. When I run out I will try these! Oh all the C.Booth products are 9.99 under that I use. Amazing deal

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